Collage artist Brian Zenk
Collage artist Brian Zenk
Brian Zenk collage art statement.
Symbols, music and motion.
What meaning do they play into our eyes, and what do they mean to each of us ?
I work in paper, freeing images with scissors and assembling them into 3D collages.
These constructions present accidental archetypes.
They're meditative or humorous, busy visual communities, toy box-treasure-chests, closed systems of dream imagery.
In my working life I maintain machinery and machines.
I've learned enough about devices that I'm always curious about their possible fine art uses.
Along with found objects, the controls I've used in industry -- light-, heat- and sound-activated sensors; timers, relays, "smart" devices -- I now build into strangely endearing constructions.
I think of them as motion or light-activated friends.
Collage artist Brian Zenk
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